Hello! Today we are releasing AR Flashcards Space 2.0 on both the paid version ($2.99) and the Free Version! We have put a ton of effort into this update and we really think students will love learning about the Apollo 11 space program with our new interactive cards! We used authentic voice recordings from the mission for each card. This is our first app that also uses video in a fun way! Students can land the Lunar Module or dock the Command Module all in immersive augmented reality!
If you already own the paid version of Space then this update is entirely free! If you have the free version (Now called AR Flashcards Space Lite) then we are offering all 8 new cards for $2.99 which is the price of the paid version in the store. This also removes ads and guarantees all future updates will be free. We wanted to give people choice and will continue to do so in the future. You can purchase the paid version and get everything or try out the free version to see if you like it and then add on the Apollo 11 cards.
Let us know what you think of Space 2.0 and share your screenshots on Twitter with the hashtag #ARFlashcards and tag us, @ARFlashcards!
Get the new cards here (at the bottom of the original cards) http://arflashcards.com/studiouploads/Space2.pdf
Paid Version http://bit.ly/arspaceapple Free Version http://bit.ly/arspacefree